A Glimpse of "El Profesor"

When I taught Spanish in Virginia public schools a millenia ago, the students called me "Profesor" (proh-fay-saur), because Señor Mullaney just didn't sound very Spanish! It turns out that in a setting like Colorado Christian University (CCU), I should refer to myself as "catedrático" (cah-tay-drah-tee-coh); maybe it's a blessing that my courseload this semester doesn't require a Spanish title!

Starting in January 2003, I have been leading students in Fort Collins through their own thought processes, encouraging them to consider other great thinkers such as C.S. Lewis, the Apostle Paul, and Jesus Christ (listed in increasing order of excellence!). Courses include Personal & Social Ethics (HUM-425), Management Problem Solving & Decision Making (BUS-455), Leadership & Management (BUS-474). I'd like to share a bit of information about myself, since I plan to ask the same of my students.

Christianity is the most defining characteristic of my identity. God still has a lot of work to do, but the identity is sealed. My childhood included Sunday School and a very traditional church service just about every week; a few years after confirmation into the Church, I figured out something that C.S. Lewis had addressed decades earlier (but would take me another two decades to find in his work); Lewis wrote (in Mere Christianity, Book 4, chapter 7, page 190): "...When a young man who has been going to church in a routine way honestly realises that he does not believe in Christianity and stops going... the spirit of Christ is probably nearer to him than it ever was before..." After several years of struggling to understand just what I believed, I surrendered control of my life back to God. Jesus was making many things work together (including a Masters in Theological Studies) to bring me back to Himself.

My wife Roxana was just one of many benefits that grew out of my Junior Year Abroad (while earning a BA from The George Washington University); her prayers were instrumental in my return to Christ, a decision which opened up the door for our four years of friendship to blossom into romance. We committed our lives to be as one through God's holy institution of matrimony (an act celebrated for us both in Perú and in my home town of Williamsburg, Virginia). We have been blessed with a daughter in 1994 and a son in 1996, both of whom continue to be a joy to raise. All of us appreciate the resources offered at Heritage Christian School.

Training and education has been a huge element in my life that pops up continually. After earning two degrees mentioned above, the public school system in Virginia provided opportunities for substitute teaching as well as permananet assignments in a Middle School and High School. After that, more study awaited me; I returned to the student role and earned an MS in Computer Science from the College of William and Mary. While there, other students benefited from my assignment as Teaching Assistant and Lab Instructor; also the Army Corps of Engineers shared my attention for the final year while I developed a database system to track elements related to environmental safety. Five years as a software engineer and another two as a systems engineer (both at Hewlett-Packard Company) involved many opportunities to develop and deliver training programs and to take a CCU course in Research and Analysis! More recently I have become active in the local chapter of the Project Management Institute and have been preparing for Project Management Professional (PMP) certification.

Accepting responsibility for instruction at CCU is another blessing that the Lord has brought into my life as I seek where he would best utilize my instructional, technical and management skills. Please refer to my CCU homepage for links to more interesting reading: http://via.mullaneyvision.net/ccu/

- Assc. Prof. J. David Mullaney